August 24, 2020
The Department of Asian American Studies is proud to be the publisher of feminist poet Mitsuye Yamada's Full Circle: New and Selected Poems, with a forward by Cherríe Moraga and essays by Diane C. Fujino and Shirley Geok-lin Lim.
Mitsuye Yamada: poet, activist, English professor
and Japanese internment camp survivor.
A book launch celebration was held at the Japnese American National Museum in Los Angeles, on August 24, 2019. Details about this event can be found in The Rafu Shimpo, Japanese Los Angeles Daily News, along with an in-depth piece about the life and times of Mistuye Yamada. The entirety of the event has also been posted on YouTube -- see our own Professor Fujino's presentation at 57:00!
For more information, go to